Thursday, January 31, 2008


So today I find out from the manager of the school I work at that my boss is dying of cancer. She has been battling cancer the entire time I've been here, but apparently the doctor gave her 2 months to left to live. With this information from Hiroko, my thoughts wandered as to what exactly would it be like to be in that situation? I've always thought that it is better to live in the present then worry about the future, however if you know me then you know that I am a constant worrier--- (one of my many flaws).

Can you really live each day w/ no regrets? I'm not sure if that is possible or not. I would like to say that I could do it, but things get in the way (like emotions) and suddenly you find yourself saying things you wish you could take back or realizing things after the fact. So in the end I dunno if you can really say that you are able to live each day w/o regrets. It is something that sounds nice and maybe I'll try to work towards it, but i'm still a little off at this point.

Continuing--- I spent about 30min (my bicycle ride home) thinking about things I would want to do if I knew something might happen to cut my time here short and here is what I came up with.
1. See Ein & Seegie-- I miss my babies... hope they remember me
2. Spend more time w/ my grandparents- they are getting older, it is sad to say that I don't know how much more time I'll have. Cherish the time you have basically sums up that one.
3. Buy a Chanel or Vuitton purse-- there are some very specific ones I want, but the price is a little steep so some saving is in order.
4. See the Great Barrier Reef- I'm afraid it is going to die in the coming years due to global warming.
5. Tell the people I love that I love them.
6. Try not to be afraid to love w/o boundaries (something about totally letting someone in that kinda scares me)
7. Pass Japanese level 1 test.
8. Go to Europe- I'd really like to see the Monaco F-1 race
9. Read a Japanese newspaper--- kanji my archenemy keeps me from achieving this at the moment.
10. **I'm gonna leave this one open for whatever might come in the future**

So basically "living for today" is an anomaly. I guess if you try your best then that is good enough.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008


富士山 Mt. Fuji ---->


日本語能力試験の結果は2月に発表されます。(><)心配~~~ 受けたのか????? 知らない。。

Well it is a nice day today in Sodegaura-- the sun is shining so the laundry might actually dry!!! Miracles of miracles!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom is in Japan right now but she is visiting my old high school Japanese teacher in Osaka. Today she is going to Nara to see the 大仏 (big buddha). I'm so jealous! I did a project on Todaiji Temple in high school and I can still remember how awesome I thought that was. I figure if it stays in my memory for almost 10years then that counts for something.

Work calls me--- some of my favorite classes today :D