Tuesday, December 2, 2008

This one is to you Ebs

The last phone call...

Isn't it crazy how life turns out? You meet people, become great friends, laugh, eat onigiri together and before you know it 3, 4, 5 years has passed and you are practically related. Then comes the part where each goes their separate ways and you don't know when you will see them again.... the latter is always the saddest.

When I first met Ebu, I can't remember my first thoughts, but we became friends and every Saturday I looked forward to going to Japanese school and sitting next to Ebu, studying, laughing, arguing over correct kanji, talking about our crazy cats. Eventually I even began bringing him lunch I made-- hehe. Ebu and Lo, we became the pair that was always at school on Saturdays rain or shine. We've seen teachers and volunteer come and go and even the changing of the prinicpal. The secretary however has always remained the same and even when I came back from Japan she recognized me. I however, almost didn't recogize the person standing next to her and within 2 seconds a huge grin came across my face as I realized it was Ebu!

My best friend will be leaving the country this weekend and I feel like Japanese school won't be the same. Of course there is always the internet and we will keep in touch, but it isn't the same. Let it be known that I looked into all the information I could and if there was something I could've done to help or prevent you from leaving I would have done it. I just wish I could've done something more so that we could continue to have our fun Saturday school times :)

Life is short, but friendships are forever. I don't know where I heard that, but it seems appropriate at this time.

Well Ebu, thank you for years of being a great friend and making every weekend lots of fun! You will be greatly missed and I hope we can meet again someday...
