Thursday, February 21, 2008


The 2 kazes--- in Japanese kaze=cold and kaze=wind. Recently these two things have happened decided to greet me at the same time. A few days ago I caught a rather annoying cold. This winter I've had a lot of colds--- I'm going to be sooo happy when Spring finally comes!!

The second kaze, wind, has been crazy these last few days. I was riding my bike home the other night and I was almost going backwards the headwind was so strong--- Then Sheila and I started laughing and that didn't make it any better.

Tonight I made dinner!!!!
If you know me then you know that I'm not the best cook, buuuuut this actually turned out pretty well, so I decided to take a picture!
The Menu: Salmon, young broccoli with steamed tomatoes and mushrooms, and an apple

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks good! And it's a lot more elaborate than anything I've made before.